Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"The Help"

I finally saw "The Help" over the weekend and I gotta tell ya, I loved it! I mean, aside from the "eat my shit" scene (yuuuuuuck), the message was clear. My only issue with watching movies with racism as the main character is it makes me detest Caucasians!! It's like watching the movie "Roots" all over again! But I love Caucasians. I love people! I just get a little confused watching these types of movies. I tell ya what? I would never had lasted during those times. There would be no way I would allow anyone to disrespect my parents, my family or me...PERIOD!!! Sorry if I'm giving it away or those who didn't watch it(I HATE when people do that to me), but there was a scene where a daughter came to see her momma while she was working for a white lady, and the lady fired the momma on the spot off some old bull. Who's momma??!?! Not my momma!?!? I was coming back in the night to light her house, her neighbors house, EVERYONES house!! Every night I was gonna burn me some Caucasians! Hatred is contagious and I damn sure would have caught the hate bug! See what I mean? Watching those movies upset me! But I'm grown enough not to allow it to influence my decision on how I treat white people. Heck, imagine if I was a racist... First, I wouldn't have met my beloved Julie! only to have her pick up and move to Aspen :-( Juliiiieeeee! Secondly, I wouldn't have developed my undying love for Jake Gyllenhaal!!(yumMO) That's it really. I'm gonna end the race talk because it is a touchy subject, I'm gonna close with this... The N word used shouldn't be used unless it's used to describe an incident back in the day. Black people shouldn't get offended when others use it since the want to use it more than it's ever been used. That is all... (see the movie)

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