Friday, November 4, 2011

Something to ponder....but to research

I temporarily lost internet access for a few days and had posts backed up. The last few posts were what I typed each day wifi was down but here is my post for today....

I believe in God but I have so many questions about what's written in the Bible. Here are a few:

Why is the Bible written to insinuate that the entire Human race descended from Adam and Eve?

If Cain was cast out for killing Abel, how did he bare sons if Adam and Eve were supposed to be the only other people?

Ok, they had more kids at some point. Does that mean Cain impregnated either his sister or his sister/niece? (where Noah impregnated his own daughter--CHA!) If that's the theory, how did he meet her? Did he return home? Did she leave home and met him? What if it's something sick that we don't know about like, Cain came back and raped his mother and sisters? (Hey, he killed his brother right...)

Do we really believe that the entire world was repopulated by Noah and his family? So, of all the people that existed at that point, there was not even one more person that obeyed God and he spared them? What about the people before Adam that believed and worshipped? And if God promised never to wipe out mankind with a flood again, does that mean that when we are finished polluting the planet and killing each other, that He might wipe us out some other way and start over with another set of humans? Or maybe this time he'll make the animals to be the supreme being. Ok, getting side tracked...

So, assuming that the theory of incest is correct, the entire world was populated by cousins(Noahs grandchildren from each son having sex with each other)? Some of us are living our entire lives off the belief that not only is the Bible accurate but complete.

What if the Bible was written by the Sidney Sheldon of those times and what was to be a work of fiction turned into a religion? Notice how everything has a beginning and an end? Like a story, a rope, a day, life, etc.... So does the Bible. It has a beginning and end that conveniently makes up a "novel" sized book. Theres an introduction(Genesis), a body (Exodus to Jude), and a conclusion(Revelations). Once I heard that the word Bible is an acronym for:


I choose to believe in God because I do believe that there is an explanation for all.....THIS. I choose to keep my faith in Him and to believe that the Bible is true, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't question THIS sometimes...

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