The Beat Of My Heart

On January 28, 2011, I gave birth to a healthy, light-skinned son weighing 7lbs. 4oz., who we named Henley. I was admitted at 7am, induced at 10am, suffered through my contractions until about 6:20pm and by 6:39pm I had pushed and PUSHED the absolute best blessing God has ever given to me...out of me! It was the proudest moment of my life and left me in complete shock that my turn had come and I actally GAVE BIRTH!! TO A PERSON!?!? It was surreal to say the least. But as I absorbed every lesson taught from all the nurses and from my family, I felt like I instantly learned my purpose in life and that was to be the best mother this world has ever seen to THIS angel!

This was the day he was born

About a week old. He was in the just woke up/getting ready to go back to sleep phase

LOL! Sleeps just like mommy

What a blessing indeed!

@ 3 months. He's laughing because little did I know he was just about to tak a major dump and needed hosing off

Slept throuh his first beach visit

Not pleased abou the heat at the Adult's Parade for Carnival 2011

So photgenic