Wednesday, August 31, 2011

10 Randoms...

1.  If you had to label yourself as to one genre of music you listen to the most, what would it be? REGGAE. I love it! But I love oldies. And I miss tue music of the 90's. 

2. What are five items that you always keep in your purse?
CHAPSTICK! Cannot live without it. Gum, passport(ya just never know), a pen, and feminine wipes (tmi?)

3. If you could drink only one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
In real life I'd pick water, but since this is a fantasy, I pick passionfruit fraco (our version of a snow cone)

4. What are three tv shows you miss watching that are no longer aired? Well, none really but if you ask me what shows should never have been canceled: FRIENDS, GIRLFRIENDS, and Felicity (YES, damnit!!)

5. What is one cd you own that people would laugh if you told them you actually bought that?
The grease soundtrack. But they'd be lame cuz that cd is awesome!

6. What is one job/career you told yourself you would never do even if it was your last resort?
PROSTITUTION. Even if it is the oldest profession and recession-proof.

7. How did you decide on the name{s} of your child{ren}? I wanted to name my son Dartagnian(not sure of the spelling but pronounced dar-tan-yun) ever since I saw "The Man In the Iron Mask" with Leonardo DiCaprio back in high school. And I was actually set on that but early in the pregnancy I just decided that I wanted part of my name in his name. Don't really remember how I came up with it, but it was finalized because mt boyfriend missed the first sonogram and because I was a little P.Oed about that, I  was removed him from the name choosers list. And that basically left me to decide! So, I gave my son my last name as his first name.

8.  What is one show you refuse to miss no matter what? Cant think on any right now but back in the day, my week was planned around Friends, Sex in the city, Felicity, Girlfriends, and Popular. 

9. How many miles would you say you drive in a week?Maybe around 60 miles total but that's mostly a bunch of back and forth. I'm a work at home mom so don't do as much driving as I used to.

10. Who is one celebrity you wish would just go away & disappear off the face of the earth never to return? While I an think on a few that make me cringe, that's a little extreme don't ya think?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Da ABC's of M.E. !!!

Here goes my ABC's!! I'd like to add some photos but my laptop is down so if anyone knows a really good blogger app that would be better please advise!! As for now, I'm mobile blogging:

A - ALWAYS late! I am seriously working on this though. Not that it's justifiable, but I'm never late for stuff like catching a flight, or picking you up from work. But your birthday party, our dinner reservation...stuff like that. Horrible quality that I'm working on and have some success

B - Bad housekeeper. Again, nothing I'm proud of but I'm quicker to hire someone to do it for me. I only clean because it needs to be done but would sooo prefer a housekeeper

C - Cautious! But my friends call it paranoia

D - Down to earth. I love getting to know people and helping them however I can. I am super easy to talk to and welcome new conversations!

E - Eater. Yup. I like to eat! Who doesn't though? 

F - First time mom! 7 months ago I gave birth to my beautiful angel. He's precious, he's smart, he's active already and he is in for a ride with me for a mom!

G - Giver. I would literally give you my shoes if you needed them more than me at that moment.

H - Henley. My last name and the first name of my son. 

I - Ice Cream!!! Butter pecan, cookies n cream, pralines and pecans, coffee, vanilla....I love it! Lol 

J - Joker. I like jokes and I like to tell jokes. I don't encourage practical jokes though, although it is fun to watch on "Worlds dumbest

K - kindhearted. 

L - Lewjahri Henley. This is the name of my little brother that died a few days before his 2nd birthday in January(weeks before I gave birth). I'm still having a hard time swallowing this one but I know he's in a better place. I'm proud to have been his sister because at his tender age, he was truly an ambassador of God.

M - MOM!! A badge I wear with the utmost pride and honor!

N - Natural-born nurturer! I love to care for people. I sometimes find myself babying my 13 year old sister

O - OVERPROTECTIVE! I'm the oldest of 8 kids and I developed my motherly instincts from young. After the fatal accident of my little brother, it got worse

P - Passionate. Anything I believe in gets my full attention and my full passion! My siblings, my son, my business! 

Q - Quoter. I'm big on finding and applying quotes to certain situations

R - Researcher. I research everything I don't understand fully and always seek an alternate source of information aside from word of mouth.

S - Self employed and loving it!!

T - Tries everything once

U - Unofficial chef. I love to feed people and create different dished and try different recipes.

V - (I have 2):Visionary. I've visualized financial freedom and I'm going after it!
Virgin Islander! Born and raised in Americas paradise!

W - Work at home mom. 

X - XXIX. Lol that's all I could think on

Y - Yearning for music to return to what it used to be

Z - Zero tolerance. I don't allow any disrespect. Period

Sigh of relief

Today marks the third month anniversary of the day I decided to be a work at home mom. The month of July was a little slow for me but this month I "worked" my butt off and I have seen amazing results! If you've been reading my blog, you saw that last month I only had about $100 to my name; this month is toTALLY different! Why am I only NOW knowing about this work at home wonderment(is that a word?)? Why have I been slaving away for some "boss" for all these years? I won't dwell on the why's. But I gotta yell you, if you are thinking about starting your own business, working from home, or eliminating the cost of daycare...NOW IS THE TIME. I love sharing my success with others so that they too can create their own success so don't be shy to ask me. I'm not charging you to share it, I'm not selling anything, and I'm more than happy to help you develop your business also(free of charge!!)!!

The Internet is a powerful tool, but believe it or not, I've been successful without the Internet thus far! But that changes today...well, actually yesterday because that's when I purchased my domain name. So I'm embarking on the www to continue building my business.

My laptop is being repaired and I'm doing EVERYTHING that requires Internet access from my iPhone. Heck, I'm blogging this from my iPhone right now! Life has never been this simple!!

Now I can continue to contribute to the household!
Now the full burden is off my boyfriend!
Now I can breeeaathhee!!

I think I'll take the day off from "work" and take chunk to the beach. I'll just have to make sure the waters are safe to swim since Irene was here last week. But we are both recovering froma nasty cold, and the ocean water will be good for us. With that said, I'll close this post and opena new one so I can add the ABC's of Me!!(so excited)